Best Guide To Running A First Aid Training Company In Liverpool

Liverpool First Aid Company

The need to save lives is something that comes from within and it is a desire that is satisfied by becoming a medical practitioner or learning how to do first aid. Taking training for first aid in Liverpool helps in securing people’s lives before they get necessary help from a hospital. First aid knowledge allows you to act in case of an emergency , reducing the risk of death. Sharing the knowledge of first aid to others can help save lives in other emergency situations that you may not be present. Teaching first aid requires a lot more than the knowledge, here are the requirements you need in order to start a first aid company:

Be Knowledgeable And Qualified

First Aid in LiverpoolThe first step to starting a first aid company or teaching first aid is having the knowledge yourself, you need to have the proper qualifications and experience. You need to have completed a full first aid course and gotten a certificate to authenticate it. Second, you need to have a first aid at work qualification, this means that you have applied your first aid knowledge in more than one scenario or your current line of work includes doing first aid in Liverpool. The next qualification you need to have is a teaching qualification. In the UK there are many variations which include a Level 3 Award in Teaching and Assessing First Aid Qualification, Level 4 PTLLS Award, an Education and Training (EAT) Award, or a PGCE. Also you need to acquire an assessors award which makes you qualified to assess students.

Get Necessary Equipment

First aid is a rather technical subject which need a lot of practicals, demonstrations and audio visuals. These help to impart the knowledge on your students well. In as much as first aid is more practical, you must first impart theoretical knowledge then proceed to demonstrate the theory. You need equipment such as:

    • Fully stocked first aid kits(more than one)
    • AED Trainers
    • Various type bandages
    • CPR Manikins
    • Gym Mats for students to lie on and kneeling mats for students to kneel
    • A computer, tablet or laptop
    • A projector or TV to project audio visual information
    • IT cables to link various devices and Extension Cables to power up devices at various locations
    • A Whiteboard and whiteboard markers to draw diagrams and illustrations

Also consider getting a van to enable your first aid company to be mobile so that you can carry your equipment to teach others in different locations around Liverpool and to reach out to a greater audience.

Get Licensed To Run The Company

Any company need to get licences in order to be able to operate. You need to register with the government so that they can certify and allow you to run the business legally. When it comes to first aid, there are various laws and regulations that you need to abide. You will insurance, adherence to data protection laws and first aid licenses. You need to ensure that students are registered and that their information is safe and protected. You should avail an up to date teaching manual and teach relevant and new first aid procedures. When students are done with the training they should be given a certificate with their name on it to prove that they went through the course, passed assessment and they have proven to be worthy of the title first aider.

Come Up With A Business Plan

Every business needs a business plan, a business plan is a template of how the business should run, it gives guidelines and states operational procedures that need to be followed. You should sit down and formulate a business plan for your Liverpool based first aid business according to your preference because the business is yours, acquire the services of a professional that will help you to create a business plan according to your preferences and in line with profit making procedures hence the business will have your individuality at the same time bringing in profits.